On April 17, 2008, the three-part Art of Networking series concluded at Cremata Fine Art. The series was created to provide a cultural venue at which alumni and friends could come together and learn practical, valuable information about the importance of business networking.

The finale boasted a substantial turnout. Raul Cremata (BBA ’82) opened his gallery for the group and showcased his own work. Howard Shore (MBA ’96, BACC ’91) of Activate Group, guest speaker, discussed three accelerators to a person’s success: integrity, knowledge, and network.
“The series was a huge success, and we plan to continue to offer value-added events next year,” said Michelle Joubert, assistant director of alumni relations.
The partnership between presenting sponsor Progressive Insurance and the Business Alumni Chapter proved mutually beneficial to both organizations.
“We strongly value our relationship with the college and look forward to building upon this foundation,” said Tammy Taylor, Gulf recruiting manager at Progressive. “Our firm prides itself on the caliber of its employees, and FIU has been a strong ally in our continuing efforts to recruit exemplary candidates.”
Taylor noted that the firm’s “ultimate goal is to become an Employer of Choice in this community. We are confident that our alliance will continue to foster this very important initiative for us.”
“Over the course of the three networking events, we’ve learned tips that, over time, have proven their worth,” said Business Alumni Chapter President Manny Matalón (MACC ’03, BACC ’00). “On our journey to becoming more effective networkers, we realized that networking is, indeed, an art: just as an artist takes the time to pick up a brush and create his/her art, a networker must pick up that brush and create his or her own networking canvas. This is the message we wanted to convey.”
The Business Alumni Chapter would like to thank Presenting Sponsor: Progressive, the location hosts of all three events: Miami Art Group, Texas de Brazil, and Cremata Fine Art and Southern Vines for providing Cavia wine.