When the state officers of Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) recently visited with legislative leaders in Tallahassee, Florida International University (FIU) had more representation than any other university.
FBLA-PBL State President Jose Betancourt, District V Vice President Saul Perez and State Parliamentarian Emmanuella Casimir, all undergraduates in the College of Business Administration, were among 16 students who met with State Senator Mike Fasano, District 47 Representative Jamie Grant, House Speaker Pro Tem John Legg and others in Tallahassee.

“We learned an incredible amount about state government and also were able to promote FIU,” Betancourt said. “For instance, Senator Fasano asked about FIU and if our curriculum was preparing us. We took the opportunity to tell him how our university and college are ‘Worlds Ahead.’”
The students also met with Secretary of State Kurt Browning, leaders of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and Marc Caputo of The Miami Herald plus held a mock debating and voting session in Senate chambers.
Student Leadership Forum gathers leaders in Tampa.
From China, Mexico and other points around the world, 75 students from Beta Gamma Sigma met for the organization’s Student Leadership Forum in Tampa. Membership in this international honor society for business majors is extended to FIU undergraduates in the top 10 percent of their class and graduate students in the top 20 percent.

Jeff Zelaya and Mohales Deis represented the college at the Tampa forum, which featured workshops and networking opportunities.
“I learned that 60 percent of the CEOs of the Fortune 100 are members of Beta Gamma Sigma, so I was excited to be in good company,” Zelaya said.
Executive Dean Joyce J. Elam, who sits on the Beta Gamma Sigma board, attended the forum. Zelaya said he appreciated getting a chance to talk one-on-one with her. Clifford Perry is the organization’s advisor.
“Leadership skills are learned outside the classroom, so it’s critical that students have opportunities like those in Tampa and Tallahassee,” said Yanyn San Luis (BA ’10), FBLA-PBL advisor. “These students distinguished themselves and represented our college very well.”