An article titled “Executive Education,” written by David R. Klock, dean, appeared in the April 2013 issue of Brickell Magazine.
School of Accounting
Manny Pravia (MST ’92), adjunct, presented a Federal tax update at the Florida Institute of CPAs’ “CPAs in Industry Conference” held in Fort Lauderdale. The presentation, which took place on March 21, 2013, highlighted recent income tax developments including legislation, regulations, cases, rulings and other administrative pronouncements.
Antoinette Smith, associate professor, was featured in an article titled “The latest in FIU books,” which appeared in FIU News on April 5, 2013. Smith’s book is You’re More Than What Meets The Eye: The Independent Woman’s Guide to Becoming Wifely Material.
Decision Sciences and Information Systems
On April 10, 2013, Nancy Borkowski, clinical associate professor and executive director of the graduate health management programs, was the keynote speaker for the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena’s Magistral Dr. Bienvenido Delgado Billini Conference, jointly sponsored by the Dominican Academy of Medicine’s Chapter on Health Policy and Management. Her presentation was titled “Physicians as Leaders: Integrating Clinical and Business Decision-Making for Good Medicine.”

On April 18th, Borkowski served as the panel moderator for the South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum’s educational program titled “Quality: Making Sense of Performance Transformation Methodologies.” A number of individuals from the college served as panelists: Deisell Martinez, visiting assistant professor in the Decision Sciences and Information Systems Department; Scott Cihak (MBA’ 97, BHSA ’91), CEO, Kendall Regional Medical Center; and Elizabeth Avecedo (HCMBA’13), who presented ROUTE! (Reducing Observation Utilization Time Effectively), a lean six sigma black belt project, which is the Master’s Research Project she prepared as a student in the college’s Healthcare MBA program.
Neera Bhansali, visiting clinical assistant professor, was quoted extensively in an article titled “Curriculum, collaboration key to HIT education,” in the April issue of For the Record. The college’s Master of Science in Health Informatics and Management Systems (MSHI& MS) program was one of three U.S. programs featured in the article.
Department of Finance
Shahid Hamid, professor, and Rolando M. Ochoa, adjunct, were quoted in an article titled “Finance courses fill seats as job prospects grow” in Miami Today, in the week of April 25, 2013 edition.
John Zdanowicz, professor, was the speaker for a Florida International Bankers Association (FIBA) webinar titled “Trade Based Money Laundering—Mitigating Trade Finance Risks,” held on April 30, 2013 and attended by 500 participants from around the world.
Management and International Business
An article by Modesto Maidique, professor and Alvah H. Chapman Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair, titled “Positive leadership: improve effectiveness and happiness” was published in the April 2013 issue of Leadership Excellence.
As president/chapter chair of the Academy International Business Latin America (AIB-LAT), William Newburry, associate professor and SunTrust Bank Professor, played a major role in planning the AIB Latin America Chapter Annual Conference. Titled “Onward, Outward and Within: Investment and Latin America,” the conference took place in Puebla, Mexico, April 18-20, 2013.
Ronaldo Parente, associate professor was invited to organize and be the program chair of the 48th CLADEA (Latin America Council of Business Schools) annual conference, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in October 2013. The conference theme is “Past, Present, and Future of Latin America Education and Business Institutions in the Current Global Context.”
Department of Marketing
Cecilia Alvarez, senior instructor, and Paul Miniard, professor, and two co-authors, including Shazad Mohammed (PhD ’06, BBA ’99), have had their article “Retailers’ use of partially comparative pricing: from across-category to within-category effects” accepted for publication in Journal of Marketing, the top journal in the marketing discipline. Miniard and Mohammed have a second co-authored article, “Reassessing retailers’ usage of partially comparative pricing,” forthcoming in Journal of Product and Brand Management.
An article co-authored by Raymond Rody, clinical professor, and titled “Impact of entrepreneurial style and managerial characteristics on SME performance in Macao S.A.R., China” has been published in Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate
Ken H. Johnson, associate professor and Tibor and Sheila Hollo Research Fellow, was quoted in the Sun Sentinel on April 17th in an article titled “How first-time homebuyers can compete in overheated market” and in the Palm Beach Post on April 22nd in an article titled “Palm Beach County home sales jump in March, prices up 28 percent.”