For the second straight year, Florida International University’s Beta Alpha Psi chapter, an honors organization at FIU’s College of Business, received the Gold chapter designation. The announcement was made at the August 6, 2015, opening session of the national organization’s Annual Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This award is given to competing chapters that have shown innovation, results, leadership and dedication to the betterment of their membership.
“What a way to start the conference! We were so excited to receive Gold again,” said president Adeel Sobani, who attended the conference with six other board members as well as Accounting faculty member and chapter advisor Jimmy Carmenate (MACC ’09).
Gold, awarded by KPMG, is the top honor for a Beta Alpha Psi chapter and goes to the top 12 BAP chapters in the world. This recognition puts the FIU chapter in the top 5 percent globally.
“Since 1986, FIU’s Beta Alpha Psi has been relentless in providing outstanding opportunities to the top accounting, finance and MIS students,” says Carmenate. “Receiving the Gold designation once again is a wonderful accolade for the student leadership and strong members in this organization.”
Looking back, looking ahead make the path clear.
Under the direction of two presidents who served during the 2014-15 academic year, Yulia Kim (BACC ’14) and Wendel Montero (BACC ’15), Beta Alpha Psi at FIU offered many opportunities to its members, the FIU campus and the community beyond which resulted in Gold status. For instance, over half the volunteers in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in the Miami-Dade and Miramar area this past spring were Beta Alpha Psi members. The chapter launched a brand new financial literacy initiative for kids with Junior Achievement of South Florida.
The chapter partnered with Wells Fargo to conduct a workshop on the subject of credit and partnered with Ernst & Young to conduct written business communication workshops on campus.
Giving back opportunities included Adopt-a-Road Days, Walk Now for Autism Speaks, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk, Toys for Tots and Zoo Miami Clean-Up event. Members provided free tutoring to dozens of students preparing for the School of Accounting entrance exam.
“But with Beta Alpha Psi, you can’t perform at the same level and win Gold again,” said Sobani, an accounting major. “You have to continually outdo yourself and that’s what we’re planning for the coming year. Earning Gold two years in a row makes us motivated to earn the top honor again.”
Sobani expressed appreciation for the support that the honors chapter receives from FIU.
“Without the commitment from the professors and the administration, our members wouldn’t be exposed to the growth opportunities Beta Alpha Psi has to offer,” he said.