FIU College of Business breaks new ground with “Uncommon Thinkers” Facebook application

Are you more of a revolutionary than a visionary? Maybe you fit in with the creative crowd instead. A new Facebook application ( created by Florida International University’s College of Business Administration will let you know. As part of the business school’s award-winning “Uncommon Thinkers” campaign, the Facebook application asks users a series of questions […]

College hosts array of experts from across the business spectrum.

In February and March 2009, hundreds of people heard dozens of speakers address pressing challenges and significant opportunities in entrepreneurship, small businesses, international business, energy, and financial services—among other topics—thanks to a variety of seminars, lectures, and forums organized by the College of Business Administration and co-sponsors. Here’s a recap of four of them. Entrepreneurs […]

Summit of the Americas: Much Ado About Nothing

Searching for substance in the summit’s declaration is akin to looking for a polar bear in a snowstorm. Summits of the Americas traditionally have been vacuous, mind-numbing conventions of inter-American heads of state and their acolytes in which pompous, sermon-style pontifications and amorphous and anodyne declarations—substance-free and coma-inducing—are delivered to the press and whoever else […]

FIU’s College of Business selected top 15 schools by The Princeton Review’s “Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools”

Florida International University’s College of Business Administration is one of 15 schools named to The Princeton Review’s “Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools” in the operations category, one of six categories showcased. The list will be published in the April 2009 issue of Entrepreneur, the nation’s leading publication for and about entrepreneurs. Operations management deals […]

Improving the bottom line and the environment: Green Supply Chain Forum proves both are sustainable business goals.

Today’s companies face the challenge of implementing environmentally sound operational practices while balancing growth and opportunity in what is clearly the most demanding business climate in decades. The urgency of these issues sat top of mind among the attendees at the Green Supply Chain Forum held February 19-20, 2009, and hosted by the College of […]

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Wertheim lecturer examines ailing U.S. health care system.

What are we going to do about our health care system? It’s a question being raised throughout South Florida and across the United States—from kitchen table to conference room table. The right answer is not easy to come by—but pinpointing problem areas offers a valid starting place. [flv: 500 334] In a recent Wertheim Lecture, […]