Ed Glab, clinical professor, Department of Management and International Business, College of Business Administration, opens the discussion. South Florida looks greener than ever, thanks to the availability of E85 ethanol at a UGas fueling station at 210 NW 79th Avenue in Miami. Made primarily from corn, E85 ethanol represents a renewable energy source that burns […]
Category: More College News
Accounting sector sees future leaders within the College of Business Administration’s ranks.
While many people kick back in the summer, an elite group of students from the College of Business Administration stayed busy attending special events designed to prepare them for careers in accounting. Grant Thornton (GT) LLP, the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), and KPMG ran programs this summer targeting those from diverse backgrounds, helping groom […]
The beauty of natural fibers inspires a Guatemalan village to create a brighter future.
Chopping and cooking palm fiber in Guatemala Five years ago, a severe drought brought hardship and hunger to the people of Jocotán, a small village in rural Guatemala. Today, the villagers turn to this once-parched land as a creative source for income and job opportunities, thanks in part to the volunteer program sponsored by the […]
New graduate student organization GROWs sense of social responsibility.
A collective goal motivated Master of International Business (MIB) students in the College of Business Administration’s Chapman Graduate School: to apply their skills in both a business and social context to help communities nearby and around the world. Their passion and commitment fueled the launch of Graduates Reaching Out Worldwide, or GROW. “Through GROW, we […]
EPE courses help employee advance-and add greater value to her company.
Judy Delgado A combination of natural gifts, support from key people at Preferred Care Partners Corporation, and courses offered through Executive and Professional Education (EPE) in the College of Business Administration, have enabled Judy Delgado (BS ’92) to move up in her company and to contribute to it more effectively. It began with an email […]
College student Jacob Dobbs travels with a purpose.
When Jacob Dobbs goes to far-flung places, a frequent occurrence, he does so not as a tourist but as someone who wants to learn and serve. The third-year International Business Honors (IB Honors) major and new president of the College of Business Administration’s International Business Honor Society (IBHS)—which has a strong focus on international community […]
College of Business Administration earns spot in Best 290 Business Schools: 2008 Edition of The Princeton Review.
Those who consult The Princeton Review’s Best 290 Business Schools: 2008 Edition will find 23 newcomers this year, one of them the Chapman Graduate School of Business in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University. “We are very pleased to add the College of Business Administration to this year’s book and to recommend […]
Second Life breathes new life into cross-cultural exchanges, collaborative projects, and online learning.
Ronald Lee At any given moment, thousands—maybe even millions—of people across the real world log onto a virtual world called Second Life. One of those individuals is Ronald Lee, professor, Decision Sciences and Information Systems in the College of Business Administration. For Lee and a group of five doctoral students, Second Life is not just […]
Consciousness-raising 21st-century style: Forums help people understand energy issues.
Consciousness-raising 21st-century style: Forums help people understand energy issues. GM’s Energy Diversity and Fuel Economy tour. “I want each of you to look at the person sitting next to you,” said Ed Glab, director, Knight Ridder Center for Excellence in Management in the College of Business Administration, at the beginning of a presentation titled Energy […]
Executive Dean Joyce J. Elam named International Dean of the Year.
Joyce J. Elam receives International Dean of the Year award. At the opening of their annual meeting’s plenary session on June 26, 2007, the Fellows of the Academy of International Business (AIB) presented Executive Dean Joyce J. Elam with this year’s International Dean of the Year Award. As such, she joins an elite list of […]