Altria grant establishes FIU Business program to promote diversity and inclusion.

As part of its ongoing effort to combat structural racism, FIU Business has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Altria to establish a unique multi-platform program designed to train more inclusive leaders and further the goals of diversity and justice. The three-part project strives to open a conversation and programmatically address challenges of inclusion and […]

A true look at authenticity at work requires a multi-faceted focus, FIU Business study reveals.

A true look at authenticity at work requires a multi-faceted focus, FIU Business study reveals.

Is authenticity truly beneficial in the workplace? Are places of work conducive to employee authenticity?  Not for everyone, research from FIU Business finds. “The main insight: we caution this notion of encouraging everyone to be authentic,” said Brooke Buckman, assistant professor of global leadership and management at FIU Business. “In a lot of instances being […]