Michael Fenton (BBA ’07)
Associate Director
Catholic Community Foundation in the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc.
Michael Fenton (BBA ’07), associate director, Catholic Community Foundation in the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc., traces much of his professional success to his experiences at Florida International University (FIU). He holds an undergraduate degree in finance and a Professional Certificate in Banking. In addition to these achievements, he plans to enter the College of Business Administration’s Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program in 2010, and is the new president elect of the Business Alumni Chapter.
[flv:http://business.fiu.edu/newsletters/BusinessNetworks/2009/03/videos/padron.flv 500 334]
“Everything I’ve learned at FIU I’ve been able to apply to my career,” said Fenton, who handles marketing materials and oversight of investment consultants, managers, and general duties for the foundation, which is the charitable branch of the archdiocese in South Florida. “When I chose finance as my major, I never thought I’d need any marketing skills or very little. I was absolutely wrong.”
He looks forward to using the Business Alumni Chapter to engage with the current student body “because they are the future of this school and this community” and to “bringing together the different alumni groups and uniting them under a common cause and goals.”