Approximately 120 graduate students, alumni, advisory board members and representatives from the College of Business Administration, including Joyce J. Elam, executive dean, gathered at Segafredo Brickell to enjoy wine, hors d’œuvres and most importantly, each other’s company during a Chapman Networking Social this spring. Four graduate programs—Master of Science in Finance (MSF), Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MSMIS), Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MSHRM) and Downtown MBA—hosted the event.

“I attended because I wanted to maintain my link to the students, faculty and alumni of Florida International University (FIU),” said Alex Morcate (MSIRE and MSF ’08), senior financial analyst, Colliers Abood Wood-Fay. “During one of the most challenging business and employment markets of the last 50 years, I felt it was important to establish relationships with yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s leaders and deal makers. I think it’s essential to create and nurture relationships with professionals in and out of your field so you can share perspectives about what did and will happen.”

Isabel Lopez (MIB ’06, BBA ’03), assistant director, MSF and MSIRE, came up with the idea.
“We usually have separate networking events between our students, alumni and advisory board members, but this time I suggested we bring together various programs,” she said. “These get-togethers always connect students, and enable alumni to reconnect with the business school.”
Value comes through for attendees.
“After attending I felt thankful that I was a part of the FIU community because of its culturally and professionally diverse mix,” he said, while Joel Cloralt (MSMIS ’07) noted that, “Alumni from different programs, current students, faculty and staff are the perfect combination to discuss different ideas and have a wonderful time all at once.”
The next Chapman Networking Social is tentatively scheduled to coincide with the next round of graduate program advisory board meetings in the fall.