“ExxonMobil has a commitment to educational activities wherever we do business around the world,” said Bennett P. Hansen, president and sales director, ExxonMobil Inter-America Inc. and new member of the Dean’s Council in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU).
While that commitment shows itself in such activities as a partnership with golfer Phil Mickelson in the creation of the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy, and in concerted efforts to attract more women to the corporation, one of the best ways remains direct financial support.

That’s exactly what ExxonMobil did recently, as they have done for many years. Miguel A. Arrieta, public affairs manager, Central America, Caribbean, Ecuador & Peru at ExxonMobil Inter-America, presented a check for $7,500 to Joyce J. Elam, executive dean of the business school and Monique Catoggio (EMBA ’03), director of advancement and alumni relations.
“We have a great relationship with ExxonMobil and appreciate the stewardship they have shown,” said Annabelle Rojas (MBA ’98, BBA ’87), assistant dean, advancement, alumni and corporate relations. “Bennett is the third ExxonMobil executive to serve on our Dean’s Council and we value the company’s advisory role as well as the monetary support they have shown over the years.”
Company recognizes the business school’s deep reserve of talent.

Although the company focuses much of its attention on cultivating talent in the areas of math, science, engineering and technology, Hansen explained its recognition of the importance of business schools, particularly FIU’s.
“FIU is large and diverse, and is one of the leading business schools,” he said. “I am responsible for the fuels side of our business in 17 countries in the Caribbean and Latin America, and I know that business students from FIU have the broad background to play a key role in our company.”