The more you hear about natural gas, the more you realize this energy source’s exciting potential. Additionally, since the United States has an abundance of natural gas, it offers significant business opportunities.
To share up-to-date information on natural gas and biofuels, the Global Energy Security Forum (GESF) within the School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University (FIU) conducted a one-day forum on campus on November 9, 2010.
“Gas and Renewables: Building a Cleaner Energy Bridge to a Sustainable Fuels Future” drew 50 educators, alternative fuel company owners, students and consultants. Chevron and FIU’s Applied Research Center and the College of Business Administration were the co-sponsors of the event.

“Natural gas has emerged as the most promising fuel to replace coal for power generation and perhaps even gasoline in vehicles,” said Ed Glab, clinical professor in the department of management and GESF co-director, who welcomed the attendees. “Natural gas is abundant, 60 percent cleaner than coal and enormously price competitive.”
Other program presenters were
- Mac Cessna, Exxon Mobil Gas
- Don McClure, Encana, Canada’s largest gas company
- Alan Hegburg, CSIS Energy and National Security Program
- Opuka Danquah, Hart Energy
- Sam Forrest,Florida Power and Light
- George Philippidis, GESF co-director

“Advanced biofuels from biomass and algae will diversify our country’s energy portfolio, create a green economy and enhance national security,” Philippidis said. “At the same time, natural gas is a plentiful domestic fuel that reduces carbon emissions and can bridge the gap until biofuels are produced at commercial scale.”
Forum receives enthusiastic reaction.
Jeremy Susac, director of Business and Innovation at the Power Center for Utility Explorations at the University of South Florida, was among the attendees who were enthusiastic about the conference.
“FIU did a remarkable job of providing the audience with a full spectrum of clean energy solutions from shale gas to Florida biofuels that are readily available for our nation’s energy resource plan,” he said. “I look forward to working with FIU’s leadership on integrating these solutions into our energy systems.”