When members of the Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) chapter at Florida International University (FIU) were making plans to attend their organization’s State Fall Leadership Conference, they decided to compete strongly and to learn from the event.
While the spring conference has the major competitions, this fall event, held November 19-21 at the Palm Beach County Hilton Hotel, also offered opportunities to excel.

The results were impressive. FIU’s Claudia Capdesuner, Gedma Estrada and Jose Nunez were members of the five-person District V Team that won the Battle of the Districts in the college portion of the competition.
In statewide Open Events competitions, six FIU students placed in the top slots.
Claudia Capdesuner, First Place
Saul Perez, Second Place
Bruno Cevallos, Second Place
Hospitality Management:
Jose Nunez, Second Place,
Mauricio Rodrigues, Third Place
Louis Castillo, First Place
The FIU team also won the Foundation Volleyball Game, and participated in the March of Dimes Walk.
“Plus, the students benefited by participating in professional development workshops that focused around the organization’s crest: service, education and progress,” said Yanyn San Luis (BA ’10), who attended the conference. She serves as chapter advisor along with Jose Toscano (BA ’97).
Golden (Panther) Opportunity: FIU students promote business school programs.
The 13 FBLA-PBL members also decided to use the conference to promote FIU’s College of Business Administration.
“Since the 300 conference attendees included middle school, high school and college students, we had an FIU information table,” said Capdesuner, chapter reporter.

FIU students staffed the display, handing out literature and talking about the university’s undergraduate and graduate business programs.
“We play the role of FIU ambassadors at each conference we attend,” chapter president Cevallos said. “We were excited to talk to many high school seniors eager to join our chapter and to become proud Golden Panthers.”

San Luis called the students’ outreach effort “outstanding. By providing our ranking information as well as highlighting our top programs, students were swayed into applying and considering FIU as their university of choice.”