Enactus enables students to apply business concepts and entrepreneurial action in projects that positively affect their communities, combining two key focus areas for the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU): entrepreneurship and community service.
When a team from FIU Enactus showcased their projects at the Enactus United States Regional Competition in Atlanta, Georgia on April 2nd, they embodied the college’s focus on these two areas. As a bonus, the team was named a regional champion and will advance to the Enactus U.S. National Exposition in Kansas City, Missouri, May 21-23, 2013.

“Not only does this recognition for our students validate their hard work and the contributions of the faculty members and partners who guided them, but also their projects affirm our commitment to engagement in the local and global community,” said David R. Klock, dean of the college. “I congratulate all the participants for proving that an entrepreneurial mind-set can make a difference in people’s lives.”
Presentations underscore creativity and diversity.
In-person presentations were made by Leidy Laura Osorio on “Heart10: Altruistic Shopping,” Lureida Soto on “A Financial Plan for Homeless at Chapman Partnership in Miami” and Maximilian Staedtler on “Good Nutrition in the Slums.” Additional presentations were broadcast via a video.
“Our students have remarkable, creative ideas to help solve global problems and through these projects become engaged, responsible global citizens,” said Deanne Butchey, who along with faculty co-advisor Donald Roomes, accompanied the group. “Their diversity speaks to the people to whom they reach out and they provide compelling examples of how people can pull themselves up through education.”
“Our students’ presentation was characterized by confidence, passion and an unmistakable international flavor,” said Roomes, noting that the FIU chapter was launched only in November 2012 and was vying against universities that have competed for years. “I saw many of the judges nodding their heads in approval during the 17 minutes our students spoke.”
A detailed article about the projects, “Students use business skills to serve others,” appears on FIU News and the BizNews article Competition focuses on community engagement” provides details about the business advisors who helped the students prepare for the regional event.