In March 2013, nine Healthcare MBA students from the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) traveled to China as partial fulfillment of their Master Research Project.
During their 10-day stay, group members conducted research comparing the U.S. and China healthcare systems in the areas of physician/nurse/patient relationships, medical errors/patient safety issues and the use of technology/electronic health records.

Accompanied by Nancy Borkowski, executive director of the college’s HCMBA program, and faculty member Weidong Xia, who has expertise in Healthcare IT management, they visited hospitals and district community health centers in Shanghai, Qingdao and Guangzhou.
At each site, the students conducted interviews and focus groups with the health facilities’ senior management to further explore their research topics in addition to exchanging best practices and discussing the impact China’s healthcare reform has had—or will have—on the country’s delivery and financing of care.
The trip concluded in Hong Kong, providing an opportunity for group members to reflect on the economic growth differences between Hong Kong and mainland China.