The Journal of Business Ethics, the preeminent academic publication in the area of business ethics, has selected 50 articles for its 30th anniversary commemorative issue including two articles by John Tsalikis, BMI associate professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU).
Tsalikis is one of only five authors who have more than one article appearing in the commemorative issue, which will be published in early 2012.

From the almost 5,000 articles the journal has published, these 50 have earned the distinction of being the “Most Influential,” based on how often they have been cited in other writings.
“The Journal of Business Ethics is used by both Business Week and Financial Times to rank U.S. schools,” said Walfried M. Lassar, chair, Marketing Department. “Tsalikis’ recognition will help increase the rankings of the department, the college and FIU. Plus, since this is the premier academic journal on business ethics, having two articles in the top 50 makes him one of the leading experts in the world.”
Tsalikis has researched business ethics for over 25 years.
“Ethics remains crucial to business; without trust, the whole system collapses,” he said. “I am pleased that this honor will bring new attention to the subjects I have addressed.”
Tsalikis’ writing tackles important issues.
The Journal of Business Ethics will divide the 50 “Most Influential” articles into two categories: the top placement of “Classic,” followed by “Distinguished.”
Tsalikis’ article “Business Ethics: A Literature Review with a Focus on Marketing Ethics,” co-authored with David J. Fritzsche in 1989, earned a spot in the “Classic” category.
“This article reviewed the literature on business ethics with a special focus on marketing ethics,” Tsalikis said. “It compiled and synthesized existing literature and provided guidance for future research.”
Appearing in the “Distinguished” category will be Tsalikis’ article from 1990 entitled “Ethical Beliefs’ Differences of Males and Females,” which he co-authored with Marta Ortiz-Buonafina. This study investigates the differences in ethical beliefs between men and women by measuring their reactions when presented with four scenarios.
“Contrary to previous research, the results indicated that males and females have similar ethical beliefs and they process ethical information similarly,” Tsalikis said.