It’s outstanding math: 30 members of Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL) from Florida International University (FIU) brought back 32 awards from the organization’s 2012 State Leadership Conference held March 15-18 in Tampa.
“FIU became one of the universities to take home the most awards, the most ever for our team,” said chapter advisor Yanyn San Luis (BA ’10), who accompanied the group. “Many of the awards entitle members now to compete at the national level this summer.”

The conference, with the theme of “Ignite the Light,” drew 400 students from around the state. Two FIU students were elected to state office: Gedma Estrada as state president and Nathalie Aviles as District V vice president.
Again and again, students from FIU’s College of Business Administration stepped forward to receive top awards, including these achievers earning a spot at the national competition in San Antonio, Texas from June 24th through the 28th:
Laura Alonso, first place, database design
Claudia Capdesuner, first place, sales presentation
Louis Castillo, second place, networking concepts; third place, telecommunications
Bruno Cevallos, chapter president, first place, macroeconomics, third place, international business
Julia Fuller, third place, sports management and marketing
William Lowery, first place, first place, economic analysis and decision making
Yegor Nadvornyy, second place, financial analysis and decision making; third place, financial concepts
Daniel Torrens, first place, client service
Quy Van, second place, accounting analysis and decision making, accounting principles
Team Awards:
Bruno Cevallos, Claudia Capdesuner and Michael Perez, second place, free enterprise project
Bruno Cevallos and Amir Vasquez, second place, business ethics
Nicole Jimenez and Jackie Perez, first place, business presentation
Jose Nunez and Adam Kamadia, first place, hospitality management
Michael Perez and Gabriel Noboa, first place, marketing analysis and decision making
Group is gearing up for national competition.
“We’re polishing our cowboy boots and getting ready for the national conference in San Antonio,” Aviles said. “The business world is full of competition and events like these help prepare us.”