To show its support for service learning, the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) offers courses in which students “participate in and reflect on a service activity as a means to attain the course’s learning objectives.” This year, it went even further by helping prepare students for the Enactus (Entrepreneurial, Action, Us) Competition at which participants will showcase their community involvement.
On February 15, 2013, six students made 15-minute presentations, describing their projects and explaining how they used their talents, innovative ideas, business concepts and the power of entrepreneurial action to create career opportunities for FIU graduates and to raise the standard of living for underserved communities in mutually beneficial ways.

The presenters and their topics were Kyrsten Alvarez-Basulto, Healthy Bodies: The Importance of Healthy Lifestyle in Sweetwater; Jocelyn Benitez and Dennis Gibson—Books for the Future: Reading in Sweetwater; Estela Lewin—Baan ChivitMai: a home for a new life based on a study abroad experience in Thailand; Laura Osorio—Heart10: Altruistic Shopping; and Lureida Soto—Financial Plan for Homeless, Chapman Partnership, Miami, Florida.

Though the students were auditioning for a chance to compete in Atlanta, Georgia on April 2nd, the judges agreed that the caliber of the presentations made it impossible to choose, so all will represent FIU at the competition.