A topic dear to many, but also a cause for concern—especially with news about fragility in the finance sector—is retirement.
On March 27, 2013, 82 people gathered to hear Helen Simon, a ten-year veteran of the Finance Department in the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU), who has nearly 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, deliver “Thinking about retirement: will you have enough?”

The presentation, filled with practical information, from what to look for when choosing a financial advisor to finding helpful government links, was part of the S.T.E.P.P. (Striving to Enhance Personal Performance) series offered at FIU
Finance major Chris Caldwell saw the announcement from FIU’s Human Resources Department, which explained that the talk would cover “how you can control your emotions and set out on a focused path to happy golden years,” and how to determine “the magic number and perfect strategy for making your retirement safe and secure.
From England, Caldwell “wants to learn as much as possible about the American system.”
She found it particularly valuable as a way “to understand the kinds of questions I should ask of an accountant or a financial planner,” whose help she plans to seek as she maps her own retirement goals and progress.