Because September and October are key recruiting times, Career Management Services in the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) offered Career Kickoff, a new initiative for undergrads, graduate students and alumni. The event, featuring workshops, panel discussions and networking events, was held September 9-20, 2013.

“Career Kickoff helped attendees learn important skills as they undertake internship and job searches,” said director Nancy Richmond. “Students who participated in Career Kickoff were even more prepared for FIU’s annual campus-wide Career Fair, held September 18.”
“Resumania” and other events offered substantial advantages.
Daniel Lidell, a Finance and International Business major, was one of almost 100 students who participated in Resumania, a Career Kickoff event that gave students 15 minutes of résumé critiquing by an employer.
“Showing my résumé to parents and friends may help. But during Resumania, I sat one-on-one with an HR person from Procter & Gamble who gave me concrete suggestions about my résumé,” said Lidell. “He told me how to improve margins and other mechanical aspects. Even more importantly, he helped me include key words that recruiters look for and showed me where I should elaborate more and where I should consolidate. It was an incredible opportunity.”
Almost 50 students practiced the art of networking as eight top employers participated in the “Speed Networking: Breaking Barrier to Job Searching” event.

The LinkedIn Photo Shoot provided students with a professional head shot to use on their profiles. This popular event, a repeat of a successful event held last spring, drew 118 students.
Career Kickoff workshops covered how to stand out at a career fair, how to sell yourself in a job interview and other worthwhile topics. Information sessions included advice from Caterpillar, Microsoft LATAM, Crowe Horwath and other employers.
“The College of Business’ Career Management Services department is dedicated to helping business students and alumni implement their career plans,” said Richmond. “The events of Career Kickoff are just one example of what we offer.”
She encourages business students to log on to the newly named “Business Career Link” on the CMS website to learn more about career opportunities now available.