As their families and friends cheered, 1,278 students in the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) were awarded degrees at Fall 2016 commencement.
President Mark B. Rosenberg congratulated business school graduates at three ceremonies held at the FIU Arena, located at FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus. Acting Dean Jose Aldrich presented the diplomas.
“Even in hard times, you made a difference,” Rosenberg said to cheers from the students. “Here we have the next generation of our country’s business leaders.”
At an afternoon ceremony on Sunday, December 11, 2016, 600 of the students from the R. Kirk Landon Undergraduate School of Business were recognized for earning a bachelor’s degree.
During the ceremony, Albert Dotson Sr., one of FIU’s most enthusiastic advocates and Chairman Emeritus of the FIU Board of Trustees, was presented with the first Albert E. Dotson, Sr. Blue & Gold Award.
At the evening ceremony on the same day, 573 students from the Alvah H. Chapman Graduate School of Business received a master’s degree. One student was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration: Inkyoung Hur (PhD ’16).
On Monday, December 12, 2016, at an afternoon ceremony, 103 students from the School of Accounting, part of the Landon School, received their Bachelor of Accounting degree. Three faculty members from the College of Business performed The National Anthem and the FIU Alma Mater at this ceremony: S. Christopher Ellis, Donald Roomes and Louis Melbourne.
College employees add degrees to their list of accomplishments.

Frinee Berrios (MS ’16, BA ’13), an admissions officer II for the MS in Finance program, received her Master of Science in Higher Education Administration degree.

Andres Cavada (BS ’16), an admissions evaluator in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment for the Chapman Graduate School of Business, earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Steven Diaz (MBA ’16, BA ’13), financial aid officer II in the Office of Admissions, Recruitment, and Financial Aid, received his Master of Business Administration degree.

Tony Sakhleh (MIB ’16, BBA ‘14) earned his Master of International Business degree. He serves as the program manager of Global Student Mobility in the College of Business’ Study Abroad Program.

Giovanna Gutierrez (MBA ’16), a coordinator in the Office of Advancement in the College of Business, earned her Master of Business Administration degree.
Johann Moya Hirsch (MIB ’16), a graduate research assistant in the Management and International Business Department, received a Master of International Business degree.

Joshua Pruna (MS ’16, BA ’14), an admissions evaluator in the College of Business Office of Graduate Admissions, Recruitment, and Financial Aid, earned a Master of Science in Marketing degree.

Isabel Rumberg (MIB ’16) earned a Master of International Business degree. She serves as administrative assistant/associate dean’s personal assistant in the Department of Management and International Business.

Genesis Salazar (MBA ’16, BA ‘14) received her Master of Business Administration degree in healthcare management. She is a temporary program coordinator in the Information Systems and Business Analytics department.

Yanyn San Luis (MBA ’16, BA ’10), interim director of Alumni Relations for the College of Business, earned her Master of Business Administration degree.