April 29, 2017 will always be a memorable day for 962 scholars as they were awarded degrees from the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU). Faculty members, families and friends were on hand at the Spring 2017 commencement ceremonies to honor and celebrate the graduates.
President Mark B. Rosenberg congratulated business school graduates at two ceremonies at the FIU Arena, located at FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus. Acting Dean Jose Aldrich presented the diplomas.
At an afternoon ceremony, 735 students from the R. Kirk Landon Undergraduate School of Business were recognized for earning a bachelor’s degree.
At the evening ceremony, 227 students from the Alvah H. Chapman Graduate School of Business received a master’s degree. The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart, in his eighth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, was the commencement speaker at this event, reminding graduates that they will have a hand “in shaping our world for future generations.” He also congratulated three of his staffers for receiving FIU degrees.
Three faculty members from the College of Business performed The National Anthem and the FIU Alma Mater at both ceremonies: S. Christopher Ellis, Donald Roomes and Louis Melbourne.
College employees add degrees to their list of accomplishments.

Carlos Amaya (MA ’17, BBA ’15, BA’ 15) earned his Master of Arts degree in global affairs. He is a program coordinator in the office of the Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate.
Yanaraliz Barnes (MS ’17), a graduate assistant in the Career Management Services office, earned a Master of Science degree in higher education administration.

Jessica Bermudez (BS ’17) earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences. She has been working as a student assistant in the Department of Management and International Business and will continue in that department temporarily as a program assistant.
Breana Khouly (BBA ’17), who serves as a front desk clerk assistant in the Chapman Graduate School of Business office, graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in international business.

Michael Perez (BS ’17), a CLDP assistant in the Department of Management and International Business, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences, and was selected by the College of Arts and Sciences as a Worlds Ahead Graduate. He will be seeking a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania.