Dr. William Hardin, director of FIU Business’ Hollo School of Real Estate, has been awarded the David Ricardo Medal, the highest recognition by the American Real Estate Society (ARES).
The award recognizes a person who has created a significant body of published research in academic and refereed professional journals, spanning at least two decades. Hardin received the Ricardo Medal April 12, 2018 at an ARES meeting in Naples, FL.

“The honor is shared with all my co-authors and the individuals who continue to push academic research focused on real estate,” said Hardin, director of FIU’s Jerome Bain Real Estate Institute and associate dean of the Chapman Graduate School of Business. “No one is successful on their own merits as we all benefit from others who support our work and invest time in helping us succeed.”
Over the course of a 20-year academic career, Hardin has authored or co-authored 50 papers on topics including commercial real estate investment, foreclosures, corporate governance, residential real estate, and REIT financial structure.

“This prestigious recognition of long-term excellence is more than well-deserved,” said FIU Business Dean Joanne Li. “It is a testament to Bill Hardin’s outstanding record of scholarly, relevant real estate research. He is a global leader in his field and a generous mentor to junior researchers. Bill inspires not only the faculty he has led at our Hollo School of Real Estate, but also our students, our many successful alumni in the real estate community, and all of us at FIU Business.”
Hardin is co-editor of Journal of Real Estate Research and served as president of ARES during the 2016-17 academic year.