In its most recent rankings of business schools for Hispanics, Hispanic Business ranked the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) eighth in the country for the second consecutive year. The annual listing looks at the percentage of Hispanic student enrollment, the percentage of Hispanic faculty and what it calls “progressive programs aimed […]
Author: Beverly Z. Welber
Faculty Notes: September 2010
Department of Management and International Business Jerry Haar, associate dean for international programs, professor and research fellow, was quoted in an article about the economic recovery titled Pulling out fastest: health, tourism, education, government in Miami Today. Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems Monica Chiarini Tremblay, assistant professor, has had her article “Using Focus […]
China study abroad showcases businesses in differing locations.
One study abroad was not enough for Gloria Leon, a senior majoring in international business and marketing, in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU). After her “amazing experiences” on a study abroad to Dubai, she became one of thirty students from across the business school to participate in a 12-day study […]
Habitat project draws international response.
Six International MBA (IMBA) students, all 2010 graduates and hailing from around the world—including Spain, Kuwait, Venezuela and India—volunteered with Habitat for Humanity to help build a home for a Miami family. Nouf Alfraih, Oscar De Lima, Gonzalo Garcia, Caitlin Nolan, William Torres and Dave Yadav roofed, put up inside walls, reinforced concrete walls with […]
Study abroad expands students’ business, cultural and interpersonal savvy.
“We had heard that one of the executives at Citigroup—one of the companies we visited—was a genius in his area, but it was hard to believe as he spoke to us in halting English,” said Maria Alejandra Bermudez, who participated in a study abroad as part of the Professional BBA program in the College of […]
Faculty Notes: August 2010
Department of Management and International Business A paper titled “Knowledge Accumulation and Dissemination in MNEs: A Practice-Based Framework,” by Aya Chacar, assistant professor, and a colleague, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Management Studies, a high-quality journal. Ed Glab, clinical professor of business and international and public affairs, continues to be tapped by […]
FIU #15 in undergraduate international business in U.S.News 2011 rankings.
Since 2005, U.S.News & World Report’s “America’s Best Colleges” has ranked undergraduate international business programs in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) among the 15 best in the nation, three times in the top 10. In 2011, this specialty within the college’s programs ranked #15. “It’s phenomenal that we’re in the […]
Dissertation proposals receive coveted awards.
Four doctoral students in the Department of Management and International Business in the College of Business Administration—Armando Borda, Sokol Celo, Abrahim Soleimani and David Wernick—have been honored in highly selective competitions for dissertation proposals. “Emerging Multinationals and the Interaction between Learning Capabilities and Host Country Factors: The Impact on the Number, Location and Survival of […]
Accounting major wins “National Student of the Year” award from ALPFA.
For the fourth time, and for the second consecutive year, ALPFA named a Florida International University (FIU) student “National Student of the Year.” Christopher Houseman (BACC ’10) joins Daniel Zamora, Krystel Ramos (MACC ’08, BACC ’07) and Zameer Upadhya (BACC ’02) as the winner of the highest student award given by the organization. In addition, […]
Networking encounter helps launch finance major’s career.
Anyone who doubts the power of networking doesn’t know the story of Roark (Rocky) Young, president and CEO, Young Stovall, and Nina Nikolic (BBA ’10). Young serves on the advisory board of the Student Management Investment Fund through which students in the College of Business Administration present recommendations for actual stock purchases. Board members challenge […]