Employees violating privacy rules is SHRM case competition for graduate students.

What should be done when hospital employees post messages on social media that violate the rules of HIPAA, the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act? That was the test for graduate students in the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) case competition, part of the SHRM Case Competition and Career Summit on April 25, […]

HR Career Development Day doubled in size, strength.

Florida International University hosted the Greater Miami Society of Human Resource Management’s (GMSHRM) second annual HR Career Development Day. This year’s event attracted 120 graduate and undergraduate students not only from FIU but also from other universities. It was one-third larger that last year’s conference. “Human resources professionals presented nine different seminars, compared to six […]

Miami Beach officials offer Hollo School students a close-up look at an iconic city.

Celebrating its 100th Anniversary, today’s Miami Beach is hot, a global iconic luxury real estate destination and a city working to resolve urban issues—lack of affordable housing, traffic and aging infrastructure. Learning a full picture of Miami Beach directly from its senior development officials was the highlight of the Hollo School of Real Estate’s 2015 […]

College of Business Masters of MIS alum leads Jackson Health’s IT Division to a stellar achievement.

How well a healthcare system handles the mass of data, records and other critical information has an enormous impact on patient safety and care. In March, 2015, HIMSS Analytics, a subsidiary of Healthcare Information and Management Systems, announced that Jackson Health System in Miami had earned their “Stage 6 Recognition” on the Electronic Medical Record […]

Hollo School graduate students again capture third place in ARGUS Software university challenge.

For the second time in three years, a team of graduate students from the Hollo School of Real Estate at Florida International University (FIU) captured third place in the ARGUS Software’s University Challenge. Winners of this annual case competition were announced on March 16, 2015. “When a university team scores high one time, you might […]

Florida Intercollegiate Case Competition offers substantial benefits to FIU students.

After almost 24 straight hours of pouring through spreadsheets, planning PowerPoints and many doses of caffeine, competitor Daniel Solana had one immediate reaction upon learning that his team had not placed first. “When’s the next case competition?” Solana, a graduate student in the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU), participated in the Intercollegiate […]

FIU Health IT students get a close-up look at the marketplace.

Students in the College of Business’ Master of Science in Health Informatics & Management Systems program received a “Peek into the South Florida Healthcare Market” directly from industry insiders. The March 5 forum, presented by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) South Florida chapter, featured executives at local medical institutions discussing topics such as population […]