Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame to celebrate its ten-year anniversary.

Mark your calendar for the ten-year celebration of Florida International University’s Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame. Fontainebleau Hotel on Miami Beach Saturday, May 16, 2009 Attire: black tie 6:30 p.m.: sponsor reception 7:00 p.m.: guest reception and silent auction 8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m.: dinner, program, and dancing Together with its title sponsor, SunTrust Bank, Miami, the College […]

NSHMBA spotlight shines brilliantly on College of Business Administration.

Each year, the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) awards the Brillante Award for Excellence to outstanding corporate and educational leaders that reflect the society’s mission to foster Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development. The 2008 Brillante Award for an educational institution went to Florida International University’s (FIU) College of Business Administration. […]

GM executive steers discussion toward the future of the automotive industry.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the future of the American automotive industry hangs in the balance. No one can predict the future, but Troy A. Clarke, president of General Motors (GM) North America and GM group vice president, believes reinventing the automobile—and the business that supports it—is possible. At a recent Wertheim Lecture attended […]

Wal-Mart president and CEO, The Americas, offers insights on doing business responsibly in the region.

It should come as no surprise that a guest lecture by a highly placed Wal-Mart official would draw a crowd. And when you add to the equation that the speaker’s job focuses on The Americas and that he would be delivering the speech in the College of Business Administration—with its prominence in business research in […]

International Business Honors major participates in month-long service project in Amazon rainforest.

“If mosquitoes were made of chocolate, the Amazon trip would have been perfect,” said Yirama “Catalina” Medina, an International Business Honors (IB Honors) major in the College of Business Administration, with a second major in economics. One of students from Florida International University to journey deep into the Amazon rainforest—part of the first-time offering of […]

New communication products foster community, showcase faculty expertise.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? Recognizing the increasing popularity of video as a mode of communication, the Communication and Public Relations department in the College of Business Administration has launched ITV and Business Pulse, two vehicles that take advantage of people’s appetite for video. “ITV ((http://itv.fiu.edu/) serves as […]