One goal the Business Alumni Chapter established for 2009-2010—to cultivate future Florida International University (FIU) business alumni leaders by enriching and enhancing the experiences of business students—is on the road to fulfillment.
Thanks to chapter sponsorship, eight business organization leaders participated in FIU’s Center for Leadership and Service’s Academy of Leaders (AOL) certificate program in October 2009. Angelena Adams, Delta Sigma Pi; Issa Chaves and Carolina Rivera, International Business Honor Society; Joni Deckert, Kelly Dobert and Andrew Plotnikow, American Marketing Association; Gabriel Oms, Alpha Kappa Psi and Yanyn San Luis, Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda learned basic principles of leadership such as “Modeling the Way,” “Challenging the Process” and “Enabling Others.”

Among many activities, the teams were put through low ropes courses, learning and implementing the concept of “mind over matter.” Through team building exercises, and learning about their individual leadership styles, the program made the idea of “Leaders are not born . . . they are made” real.
Students and sponsors praise the program.
“The retreat exceeded my expectations,” Deckert said. “I made connections with others and discovered more about myself. It was a magical time and I will never forget it.”
Plotnikow agreed.
“The retreat joins the list of experiences that hit you on the head and, without any harm, gently guide you toward feeling everybody else’s thoughts and hearts,” he said. “We synchronized as a successful team after learning so much. In just a single weekend, we really listened and became efficient as a group.”
Michael Fenton, chapter president, was delighted with the results.
“An investment in students is an investment in alumni and the College of Business Administration,” he said. “Because students today will be the change makers of tomorrow, it’s important to help them on their path to leadership through cultivation and engagement activities like AOL.”