It may still feel like summer outside, but on the Florida International University (FIU) campus, it’s fall again—time to welcome new faces and old friends and to look toward the future.
Over the past year, our team at the College of Business Administration’s Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center has worked on developing the Americas Venture Capital Conference, which will take place November 17-18, 2010, at FIU, the first gathering of its kind to focus specifically on Latin America and South Florida ventures. This summer, members of the college travelled extensively to meet with speakers and sponsors and put the finishing touches on the program.

Our conference will feature some of this hemisphere’s most knowledgeable development experts, people with unrivaled expertise in Latin American venture financing. Their willingness to participate in our conference in its very first year says a great deal about the importance of this topic, both to our local community in Miami and the wider community of international ventures and investors. It’s an exciting moment for all of us.
One of the most gratifying aspects of our effort was the support we received from the Pino Center’s Advisory Board and the Americas Venture Capital Conference program committee. Many of these talented men and women have firsthand expertise in Latin American start-ups; others are sophisticated venture investors themselves. Together, they have labored over many details and given me wise guidance. We’re fortunate to have them as partners.
Every day, I add to my knowledge of Latin American venture development, a fascinating arena packed with so much opportunity and complexity. I’m looking forward to the conference and the opportunity we will have to learn from each other.
View all articles by Irma Becerra-Fernandez.