Florida International University’s College of Business (FIU Business) has introduced a Luxury Incubator MBA Project course that will teach the marketing of luxury products.

The first of its kind at FIU Business, the Luxury Incubator MBA Project combines classroom and hands-on learning and includes an international residency component where 20 FIU MBA students will travel to Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand to learn what it takes to make a luxury brand successful.
The course was co-created by Deepak Ohri, CEO of lebua Hotels and Resorts, and Anna Pietraszek, director of global operations and assistant teaching professor of marketing and logistics.
“The class illustrates step-by-step planning and development of a luxury brand as well as marketing techniques and management of the luxury market,” Pietraszek said.
Students will study the marketing and management of luxury brands in the U.S. and Asia, learning the different factors that create a culture from a brand. The project will show how psychology, business practices and innovation play a vital role in creating a luxury brand culture and lifestyle.

“I am honored and excited to collaborate with FIU Business. I am looking forward to working with Pietraszek, adding a new dimension to such a great curriculum, and creating something extraordinary that will allow students to experience and learn the disruption of the luxury industry,” said Ohri, an award-winning entrepreneur.
The class will be held from March 31 through May 13, 2022 with the international residency from March 31 to April 10, 2022. Students will be selected based on the capacity of the class and those with a marketing specialization will be given priority to register.
The course will show unconventional approaches to luxury marketing and explain why such strategies are needed to create an incomparable brand. Ohri’s career focus has been on what he considers “experiential luxury” and he will teach students why luxury is an experience, not an expense.