Fast new computers, along with desks that stow them away when not in use, greeted students at the College of Business’ State Farm Financial Literacy Lab for the Spring 2014 semester. Thanks to a $100,000 grant from Florida International University’s (FIU) Technology Fee, the lab purchased 49 new computers and desks. All hands were on deck over winter break to complete the installation. “We could not have completed this without the diligence of the COB Technology department,” said Lab Manager Katherine Grau. The faster technology will improve the functionality of the current financial software – Bloomberg, Capital IQ, Rotman – and allow students to access data at higher speeds. Lab Director Flavio Carrillo said that the ability to stow the monitors and keyboards under the desk gives students more workspace and helps preserve the equipment, while removing the temptation to surf the web in classes where the computers aren’t used. “In that way,” Carrillo said, “they’re a professor’s best ally.”
Tech Refresh: Financial Literacy Lab welcomes new computers.