Recently, Lulu Dong, a dual degree graduate student from China, was walking across campus at Florida International University (FIU) and President Mark B. Rosenberg came over to say hello.
“We had a short but very nice talk,” Dong said. “He asked about my courses. He is very kind.”
Rosenberg recognized Dong because she was among 23 dual degree students from China who were guests at a campus luncheon and meeting in November. The events were at the invitation of Rosenberg and Joyce J. Elam, executive dean of the College of Business Administration.

The students, who arrived in August, are earning a Master of International Business (MIB), with one student earning a Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MSMIS), along with a graduate degree from one of three Dual Degree network partner universities in China: Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Shandong Economic University or Qingdao University.
“President Rosenberg had been graciously received by the Chinese universities this past summer, so it was natural for him to want to extend hospitality to the students,” said Anna Pietraszek (EMBA ’06), director of graduate admissions and recruitment.
Following the luncheon, Rosenberg welcomed the students, saying he was “thrilled that so many students from China want to be at FIU.” He asked about their time on campus and answered questions.
“President Rosenberg cares about our lives and studies,” said Zhiyuan Xing. “I enjoyed his sense of humor. He’s very friendly, not like the college presidents in some Hollywood movies.”
“While we have always enjoyed having a very diverse, international group of students in our graduate programs, we have never had more than a few students from Chinese universities,” Elam said. “Over the last few years, we have made a commitment to develop partnerships with a number of leading Chinese business schools and were thrilled to welcome this initial group of 23 students associated with our partner schools. We look forward to continuing to have a large group of Chinese students in our graduate programs in the future.”

Also welcoming the students were Jessica Aristizabal (IMBA ’07), assistant director, international graduate programs; MIB program assistant Cindy Brouillette; MIB program coordinator Yusimit Martinez (MBA ’10); and Francisco Marquez (MSMIS ’08), assistant director of admissions.
Dual Degree programs growing in strength, importance.
Forty international students are currently working on dual degrees in FIU’s Chapman Graduate School of Business.
“The presence of President Rosenberg sent a strong message that dual degree students are a very important component of the graduate program,” said Sumit K. Kundu, MIB faculty director. “We hope to further solidify relationships with Chinese universities and build strong relationships with Indian business schools. There is a huge demand for good business education in these two nations.”